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Photo of Doctor Sanja Pupovac


Sanja Pupovac

Senior Lecturer

School of Business

Orcid identifier0000-0001-6109-4213
  • Senior Lecturer
    School of Business
  • +61 02 4221 5219
  • University of Wollongong, Faculty of Business and Law, School of Business, Northfields Ave, Wollongong, New South Wales, 2522, Australia


Sanja is a Senior Lecturer in accounting in the Faculty of Business and Law. Her doctoral thesis investigated corporate disclosures by Royal Dutch Shell on oil spills in Nigeria. Sanja's research interests are in critical accounting, social and environmental accounting, oil spills, mining and Indigenous peoples, modern slavery, and human rights. Her research has been published in leading interdisciplinary accounting journals such as Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, and Meditari Accountancy Research. Beyond her research, Sanja is an active academic mentor and has successfully supervised both undergraduate and postgraduate research students to completion. 

Sanja's  contributions to learning and teaching scholarship at UOW have been recognised with multiple Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Learning (OCTAL Award), the School of Business Education Teaching and Learning Award, and a university nomination for the Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT). Sanja is also an internationally accredited Senior Fellow (SFHEA) of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE, UK) and a Senior Fellow of the Wollongong Academy for Tertiary Teaching & Learning Excellence (WATTLE).


  • Senior Lecturer
    Faculty of Business and Law, School of Business, Wollongong, Australia2022 - present


  • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), Accounting (First Class)
    University of Wollongong
  • Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy
    University of Wollongong


  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision