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Photo of Doctor Matthew Daly


Matthew Daly

Research Fellow

Sustainable Buildings Research Centre

Orcid identifier0000-0003-1974-6884
  • Research Fellow
    Sustainable Buildings Research Centre


Dr Matthew Daly is a Research Fellow with the Sustainable Buildings Research Centre.

He focuses on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research tackling complex and systemic problems in the housing and sustainable built environment space.

His research has explored both bottom-up niche innovations (e.g. community-led housing groups) and government-led policy responses. His work applies theories of social change, applied systems thinking, sustainability transitions and niche innovation. His qualitative and quantitative research experience builds upon a background as an environmental engineer, including additional studies in carbon management and built environment energy usage.

Matt holds a B. Eng (Environmental) (Hons I) from the University of Wollongong and a PhD in Sustainable Futures from the University of Technology Sydney. He has over 15 years experience researching and consulting in the fields of sustainability and the environment.

Since joining UOW, Matt has led or research in multidisciplinary projects exploring:
- Energy efficiency decision-making in new build apartment construction (collaboration with UNSW, and UOW BAL),
- sustainability scorecards for existing residential buildings, energy efficiency in the rental sector (with UOW BAL),
- the development of a framework for evaluating market transformation (with UOW BAL and UOW FASSH), and
- the largest survey undertaken of maintenance practices in office buildings as they relate to energy efficiency (with FASSH).

These projects have largely been policy informing research for a number of public sector organisations.

Matt's PhD research explored the impact of living in intentionally sustainable housing communities, such as ecovillages and cohousing communities, on household consumption practices, as well as considering pathways for wider impact from activities within this innovative niche. Matt developed significant expertise in qualitative and quantitative social research and analysis from his doctoral studies and research project work.


  • Research Fellow
    Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, Sustainable Buildings Research Centre, Wollongong, Australia2021 - present


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  • D.Phil. Doctor of Philosophy, Sustainable Futures
    University of Technology Sydney, Institute for Sustainable Futures2012 - 2018
  • B.E. Bachelor of Engineering, Environmental
    Australia2003 - 2006


  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision