Assoc. Professor
Lyn PhillipsonProfile page
Associate Professor
School of Health and Society
- Associate ProfessorSchool of Health and Society
- +61242214773 (Work)
A/Prof Lyn Phillipson is an award-winning public health academic who engages in research and action to promote aged and dementia friendly communities. She is known for her community engaged approach to undertaking research with impact. She uses qualitative and participatory methods to work with older people to promote understanding and improvements in the social, physical and service environments that contribute to their wellbeing. She also has a strong track record of working collaboratively with aged and community care providers working to translate research into practice. Finally, Lyn has expertise in the use of social marketing as an action framework to promote change in diverse areas including: dementia friendly communities, respite for carers of people with dementia; dementia risk reduction, dementia help-seeking and service utilisation and cancer help-seeking in CALD communities.
Examples of her current and recent research projects include:
- Communities for dementia - Mid Career Research Fellowship - Dementia Australia Research Foundation (Jul 2022- 31 Dec 2024) (CIA)
- Evaluation of primary care and help-seeking promotion programs to increase dementia diagnosis and early treatment - Dementia Ageing Aged Care Mission Grant Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) (Jan 2022 - Jul 2025) (CIB)
- MRFF - SAGE Dem: A model of care to improve health of sexuality and/or gender diverse people living with dementia (2024-2028) (CIB)
- NHMRC TCR: Cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity in dementia research (2022 – 2025) - A community based participatory approach to decreasing dementia stigma and increasing help-seeking (CIB)
- Associate ProfessorFaculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, School of Health and Society, Wollongong, Australia2021 - present
- Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration Mid-Career Research FellowFaculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, School of Health and Society, Wollongong, AustraliaJul 2022 - 29 Nov 2024
- Principal Research FellowUniversity of Wollongong, School of Health and Society, Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Wollongong, Australia1 Feb 2020 - Jun 2022
- NHMRC Dementia Development FellowUniversity of Wollongong, Australia Health Services Research Institute, Wollongong, Australia2016 - 2019
- Senior LecturerUniversity of Wollongong, School of Health and Society, Wollongong, Australia2012 - 2015
- PhD ScholarshipUniversity of Wollongong, Faculty of Health and Behavioral Sciences, Wollongong, Australia2008 - 2011
- Associate Research FellowUniversity of Wollongong, Centre for Health Initiatives, Wollongong, Australia2005 - 2011
- Project Officer - Families FirstSouth Western Sydney Local Health District, Pubilc Health, Sydney, Australia2004 - 2004
- Senior PhysiotherapistWestern Sydney Area Health Service, Geriatric Domiciliary Care Team/ACAT, Westmead, Australia1994 - 1999
- PhysiotherapistWestern Sydney Area Health Services, Physiotherapy, Sydney, Australia1992 - 1994
- BAppSc (Physiotherapy)University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia26 Feb 1989 - 30 Jul 1992
- Masters of Public HealthUniversity of NSW, Sydney, Australia20 Feb 2005 - 30 Jul 2008
- PhDUniversity of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia24 Feb 2008 - 30 Jun 2012
- Talking Mats Accredited TrainerTalking Mats Ltd, Stirling, Scotland2017 - present
- ASCOT CertificationUniversity of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom2016 - presentCertification to utilise all tools in the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT) in research and evaluation
- Cert III Health PromotionSouth Western Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, Australia2003 - presentVETAB accredited Health promotion course
- Cert IV in Adult EducationWestern Sydney Area Health Service, Westmead, Australia2004 - present
- Masters Research or PhD student supervision
- 3 Good Health and Well Being
- 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities