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Photo of Assoc. Professor Kwan-Wu Chin

Assoc. Professor

Kwan-Wu Chin

Associate Professor

School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering

Orcid identifier0000-0003-1547-9272
  • Associate Professor
    School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering


An academic with extensive experience in teaching, governance and research. He has delivered undergraduate and postgraduate subjects on computer/wireless networks; his teaching score is significantly above the faculty and university average. He has successfully supervised a large number of research students (to date, 37 PhDs, 8 MPhils) ; he is currently the principal supervisor of 5 PhD students, co-supervisor of 1 PhD student, associate supervisor of two PhD students; all his students have graduated on time and produced many high quality publications. His students have landed prestigious academic and industrial research positions. He is a productive researcher with more than 200 research articles (140+ journals, most are in high impact, prestigious Q1 or top-tier journals) in areas such as RFID, Internet of Things (IoTs), sensor systems for targets coverage/tracking systems, traffic engineering, software defined networks, channel access, and energy harvesting systems; in general, his interest is in the optimization of network resources. A key highlight in 2021 is publishing 9xIEEE Internet of Things Journal (IF>9) articles; in 2020, he published 12xIEEE Trans. articles (flagship journals of IEEE). He has won multiple competitive grants and also a large industry contract from Motorola. In terms of governance, he is currently the Head of Postgraduate Studies (2010+) and Director of the Wireless Technologies Lab (2009+). Previously, he was the inaugural director of SICOM, deputy head of school (research) and a research integrity adviser (2018 to 2021). He also has extensive industry experience, where he led a team of engineers to deliver on an industry sponsored project, was a Senior Research Engineer at Motorola for a number of years, a voting member of the IEEE 802.15.3 working group, and completed a number of technology transfers to product groups. during his time at Motorola He holds four highly cited USA patents. More info:


  • Associate Professor
    Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering, Wollongong, Australia2022 - present


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Network Engineering
    Curtin University


  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision