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Photo of Doctor Lynette Cronin


Lynette Cronin


School of Education

Orcid identifier0000-0001-5253-2840
  • Lecturer
    School of Education
  • 242981137
  • School of Education Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities;, Wollongong, New South Wales, 2522, Australia


Lyn Cronin is a researcher and teacher in early childhood in the School of Education. Lyn's area of expertise is in literacy and in transition to school. This began with her PhD, which examined young children's experiences with literacy as they transition from prior to school educational settings into the first year of formal schooling. Lyn's research career focuses on investigating early learning, particularly on exploring pedagogies of play in supporting young children's language and literacy development.

Lyn's research has expanded to other areas and encompasses the exploration of technology practices as young people make major transitions between life phases, school and post school contexts. Lyn's most recent research project, funded by an Early Career Research Grant is undertaken with colleagues and aims to capture the complexity of young people's technology practice as they transition from secondary school to further study, work or other everyday life contexts and encompasses individual and contextual factors that shape technology practices across this period and; practices that that support students' transition to their new contexts.
Upcoming research involves the exploration of a newly developed play-based learning model in the first year of primary school. This research aims to uncover age appropriate strategies for the holistic learning and development of young children and to ensure continuity of experiences at the beginning of their formal schooling. This research contributes to understanding supportive and smooth transition into various stages of early education, which is key for children's long-term learning and development.


  • Lecturer
    Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, School of Education, Wollongong, Australia2021 - present


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Literacy education and transition to school
    University of Wollongong2011 - 2016


  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision