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Photo of John Littrich

John Littrich

Senior Lecturer

School of Law

Orcid identifier0009-0000-0267-543X
  • Senior Lecturer
    School of Law
  • 02 42213730
  • School of Law;, Wollongong, New South Wales, 2522, Australia


John is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Law, Faculty of Business and Law at the University of Wollongong. John was admitted as a lawyer in 1989 (Supreme Court of NSW and High Court of Australia), practising in crminal law, family law and civil litigation. He became a NSW Law Society Accredited Specialist in Family Law in 1999 and joined the UOW Law teaching team in 2003.


Since joining UOW, John has coordinated and/or developed a number of subjects including Family Law, Advanced Family Law, Public Interest Law, Ethics, Advanced Legal Skills and Law, Justice and Professional Practice. From 2008-2022, John coordinated UOW Law's unique Legal Internship Program pursuant to which all UOW Law students must undertake a 20 day minimum period of professional legal experience. John coordinated the UOW Legal Skills Progran 2008-2018 and from 2005-2013, John also coordinated the Litigation component of UOW's Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (UOW's Practical Legal Training Program). In 2011, John established the Malaysian Internship Program which (with the suport of funding from the Federal Government's New Colombo Plan)  continues to provide an opportunity each year for a group of students to undertake a 20 day legal internship in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


John has acted in various governance roles with the Law School and the University including Associate Dean Law (2013) and Discipline Leader Clinical Legal Education and Professional Engagement (2013-2022) and served as a long-standing member of the Law School's leadership team. He has served on the Faculty Eduication Committee, various curriculum review committees and the Law Advisory Committee.


John is a UOW accredited Peer Reviewer of Teaching. His teaching has been recognised with his receipt of a  Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to Learning and Teaching (OCTAL) (with Ian McCall) in 2009;  Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for Excellence in Teaching (with Ian McCall) in 2010.; and a finalist in the Australasian Law Teachers’ Association/Lexis Nexis ‘Excellence and Innovation in Teaching Law’ Awards (with Ian McCall) in 2010. In 2014, Joh was inducted as a fellow of the Wollongong Academy of Tertiary Teaching and Learning Excellence (WATTLE).


John is heavily engaged in the Illawarra community. In 2013 he received a UOW Community Engagement Grant to work with the NSW Department of Eduaction  (South East) and the South Coast Family Law Pathways Network to produce a series of webinars for School leaders on family law issues in the school environment. John was a member of the management committee of the Illawarra Legal Centre 2008-2021, serving as Deputy Chair 2010-2021. 


From 2014-2017 John was appointed by the Legal Services Council of Australia as the NSW Academic member of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Admissions Committee, tasked with the implementation and review of the Uniform Admission Rules for Lawyers.


Joh has served on UOW Academic Sentate and various UOW Committees including the Education Policy and Review Sub-Committee. John was appointerd Chair of the UOW Student Conduct Committee 2017-2022. From 2022-2024, John was appointed as UOW Student Ombudsman.


  • Senior Lecturer
    Faculty of Business and Law, School of Law, Wollongong, Australia2010 - present
  • Student Ombudsman
    University of Wollongong, Integrity Division, Wollongong, Australia2022 - 2024
  • Discipline Leader Clinical Legal Education and Professional Engagement
    University of Wollongong, Law, Wollongong, Australia2013 - 2022
  • Lecturer
    University of Wollongong, Law, Wollongong, Australia2003 - 2010
  • Associate Lecturer
    University of Wollongong, Law, Wollongong, Australia2002 - 2003


  • Solicitor
    Kearns & Garside, Kiama, Australia1997 - 2002
  • Solicitor
    Pottenger & McGhee Solicitors, Nowra, Australia1995 - 1997
  • Solicitor
    BE Hudspeth & Co, Wollongong, Australia1995 - 1995
  • Industrial Advocate
    NSW Coal Association, Sydney, Australia1994 - 1995
  • Solicitor
    Russell McLelland Brown Solicitors, Wollongong, Australia1989 - 1992


  • LL.B. Bachelor of Laws
    University of New South Wales, Faculty of Law1984 - 1988
  • B.A. Bachelor of Arts
    University of New South Wales, Faculty of Law1984 - 1987


  • Law Society of NSW Specialist Accreditation in Family Law 1999-2002
    Law Society of NSW, Australia
  • NSW Practising Certificate (Solicitor) 1989-2002, 2015-2017.
    Law Society of NSW, Australia
  • Admission as Lawyer High Court of Australia 1990
    High Court of Australia
  • Admission as Lawyer NSW Supreme Court 1989
    Supreme Court of NSW, Sydney, Australia


  • Legal Practice Course 1989
    College of Law, Sydney, Australia


  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision