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Photo of Doctor Eduardo Fernandez-Pol


Eduardo Fernandez-Pol

Senior Lecturer

School of Business

Orcid identifier0000-0001-9496-1803
  • Senior Lecturer
    School of Business
  • +61 02 4221 4025
  • School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, UOW; Northfields Ave, Wollongong, New South Wales, 2522, Australia


My passion for learning and teaching how the economy works and evolves led me to become an intellectual creator. I have made original contributions in economics and mathematical economics.


I research in economic modelling with particular regard to innovation as an economic activity, disinflation policies, and decabornization and economic growth. I have published original contributions in the following fields: inflationary expectations formation, reconciliation of profit-seeking innovation and the Invisible Hand of Adam Smith, applied catastrophe theory, and difference between business innovation and social innovation. I am currently focusing on the creative economy and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the possibilities and limitations of decarbonization as a driver of economic growth.

I have extensive experience in teaching at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Economics, mathematics for business, and advanced mathematical economics are my broad fields of teaching. In the last five years, I have taught subjects related to the creative economy, mathematics for business, and macroeconomic theory and policy.


  • Senior Lecturer
    Faculty of Business and Law, School of Business, Wollongong, Australia2001 - present


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  • Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy, Economic Science
    University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina1973 - 1975


  • • Peer Review of Educational Practice (PREP)
    University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia
    Dimensions on which the review was based: Curriculum development -subject level, and Learning-teaching-research nexus (August 2023).
  • Formal Peer Observation of Teaching (POT).
    University of Wollongong, Wollonogong, Australia
    Formal peer observation of my teaching focused on ECON 222: Mathematics for Business and involved two peer observers (Peer observation dates: September 2023 and October 2023).
  • Continuous Professional Development (Learning & Teaching) Portfolio awarded Certificate of Accreditation at Level 2.
    University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia
    Both Reviewers coincided in confirming that I have demonstrated scholarship of teaching and learning through a portfolio of scholarly publications (November 2023).


  • Spanish - Latin American
    Can read, write, speak, understand and peer review


  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision


  • 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure