Assoc. Professor
Andy SchmulowProfile page
Associate Professor of Law
School of Law
Orcid identifier0000-0003-3347-474X
- Associate Professor of LawSchool of Law
- 61 2 4221 4039
- School of Law, Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts; University of Wollongong, Wollongong, New South Wales, 2522, Australia
Andy has been admitted to the degrees BA Honours LLB (Witwatersrand), GDLP (cum laude) (ANU), and PhD (Melbourne). He is an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa, and admitted by the Supreme Court of Victoria as an Australian Legal Practitioner. In 2014 he founded Clarity Prudential Regulatory Consulting, Pty Ltd.
He holds visiting appointments at universities in South Africa and South Korea, invited to give key-note addresses at conferences the world over, including to the South African Reserve Bank, South African National Treasury, European Central Bank, EU Single Resolution Authority, the Portuguese Ministry of Finance, and the World Bank. His research has been cited by central banks such as the Bank of China and the Bank of Portugal. He has been an invited guest lecturer in the Program on International Financial Systems in the Harvard Law School, where he was designated as an internationally acknowledged expert in financial regulatory architecture. He provides ad hoc advice to Members of Australia's Federal Parliament; the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC); and has been invited to make submissions to various Federal Parliamentary Inquiries and to the 2018/2019 Australian Banking Royal Commission (FSRC). That advice was subsequently reflected in a formal recommendation from the FSRC (Recommendation 6.14, establishment of a Regulatory Board of Oversight). That recommendation will be reflected in a Federal Bill, to be released for comment by June 2020.
Andy has provided advice to the South African Treasury on their adoption of the Twin Peaks financial regulatory model, and currently serves on an independent expert panel convened by the South African Treasury to provide advice on the Conduct of Financial Institutions (COFI) Bill. He engages in extensive consultancy work to the South African financial industry, and is extensively published in some of the worlds leading law journals on financial regulation, regulating to prevent financial crises, and protection of consumers of financial products and services. He has an extensive media profile in Australia, including in some of Australia's most prominent press, in which he has consistently advocated for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into misconduct in the Australian financial sector.
He enjoys an extensive array of collaborative networks with some of the worlds leading thinkers in the field of financial system regulation.
He holds visiting appointments at universities in South Africa and South Korea, invited to give key-note addresses at conferences the world over, including to the South African Reserve Bank, South African National Treasury, European Central Bank, EU Single Resolution Authority, the Portuguese Ministry of Finance, and the World Bank. His research has been cited by central banks such as the Bank of China and the Bank of Portugal. He has been an invited guest lecturer in the Program on International Financial Systems in the Harvard Law School, where he was designated as an internationally acknowledged expert in financial regulatory architecture. He provides ad hoc advice to Members of Australia's Federal Parliament; the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC); and has been invited to make submissions to various Federal Parliamentary Inquiries and to the 2018/2019 Australian Banking Royal Commission (FSRC). That advice was subsequently reflected in a formal recommendation from the FSRC (Recommendation 6.14, establishment of a Regulatory Board of Oversight). That recommendation will be reflected in a Federal Bill, to be released for comment by June 2020.
Andy has provided advice to the South African Treasury on their adoption of the Twin Peaks financial regulatory model, and currently serves on an independent expert panel convened by the South African Treasury to provide advice on the Conduct of Financial Institutions (COFI) Bill. He engages in extensive consultancy work to the South African financial industry, and is extensively published in some of the worlds leading law journals on financial regulation, regulating to prevent financial crises, and protection of consumers of financial products and services. He has an extensive media profile in Australia, including in some of Australia's most prominent press, in which he has consistently advocated for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into misconduct in the Australian financial sector.
He enjoys an extensive array of collaborative networks with some of the worlds leading thinkers in the field of financial system regulation.
- Associate Professor of LawFaculty of Business and Law, School of Law, Wollongong, Australia2023 - present
- Senior LawFaculty of Business and Law, School of Law, Wollongong, Australia2021 - 2022
- Visiting Associate ProfessorUniversity of the Witwatersrand, Mandela Institute, Oliver Schreiner School of Law, Johannesburg, South Africa2016 - present
- Visiting FellowUniversity of Sydney, Ross Parsons Centre for Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law, in the School of Law, Sydney, Australia1 Dec 2023 - 1 Dec 2024
- Visiting Researcher, Centre for International TradeSungkyunkwan University2014 - present
- Secretariat MemberAll Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Personal Banking and Fairer Financial Services, House of Commons House of Lords2020 - present
- Independent Consultant for the jurisdictions of Australia and South AfricaLu�s Silva Morais, S�rgio Gon�alves do Cabo & Associados Law Firm2018 - present
- Senior AdvisorDatta Burton and Associates2018 - present
- Associate Partner, Senior Advisor & Thought-Leader on Financial ServicesDB & Associates2017 - present
- Founder and CEOClarity Prudential and Regulatory Consulting2014 - present
- DirectorAustralian Friends of Wits University Limited, Sydney, Australia19 Mar 2021 - present
- DirectorWits Australian Public Health and Medical Research Foundation Limited, Sydney, Australia19 Mar 2021 - present
- Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy, Comparative LawLaw School2014 - 2014
- GDLP (cum laude)Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
- LLB Bachelor of LawsUniversity of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts (Honours), International Relations (Public International Law)University of the Witwatersrand, International Relations
- B.A. Bachelor of Arts, Law / International RelationsUniversity of the Witwatersrand, International Relations
- Advocate of the High Court of South AfricaHigh Court of South Africa1998 - 1998
- Barrister and SolicitorSupreme Court of Vicotria, Melbourne, Australia
- Masters Research or PhD student supervision