Afroza BegumProfile page
Lecturer, Law
School of Law
Dr Afroza Begum is a graduate of Rajshahi University (LLB with Hons and LLM with two Gold Medals and University Prize) Bangladesh, University of Western Sydney (LLM), University of Wollongong (PhD), Australia. She carried out research in Australia under a Bangladeshi Government Grant, Australian Government Scholarship (IPRS) and University Postgraduate Award. Dr Begum is currently working as a Lecturer at the School of Law, University of Wollongong, Australia. Her teaching and research interest predominantly lie in International Business Law, Corporations Law and Public Law. She has published extensively in these areas in refereed journals in the UK, Australia, the USA, the Netherlands, India and Bangladesh. As a sessional academic at Macquarie Law School, Macquarie University, Sydney, she also convened a range of business law related units including International Trade and Finance, and International Business Transactions.
- Lecturer, LawFaculty of Business and Law, School of Law, Wollongong, Australia2022 - present
- Masters Research or PhD student supervision